Changes in AS “Citadele banka” Management Board


Uldis Upenieks, member of the AS “Citadele banka” (Citadele) Management Board, Chief Compliance officer, will resign from his duties and will leave the Citadele bank Management Board as of 2 January 2024.

Uldis Upenieks was appointed as member of the Management Board of Citadele  in 2017, August 1st. He has been working for Citadele  for more than 20 years

Johan Akerblom (Johan Åkerblom), Chairman of the Management Board: “We are thankful to Uldis for his long-term investment in Citadele. Uldis has been with the bank as a Management Board member for 6 years and his expertise and contribution has resulted in Citadele being an industry benchmark when it comes to Compliance and AML, which has played a significant role in the overall development of the bank. We wish him continued success going forward.”

Uldis Upenieks, “After a rewarding journey with Citadele, I have made the considered decision to resign from my position in the Management Board. Being part of Citadele  has been an incredible experience, marked by significant milestones and collaborative efforts. I take pride in spearheading initiatives that strengthened the bank's AML and Compliance framework while earning accolades for exceeding industry standards.

I express my deepest gratitude to my colleagues, whose unwavering commitment has made our achievements possible. As I step into a new chapter, I carry the achievements of our compliance efforts and look forward to new opportunities. I am confident that Citadele  will continue to thrive, guided by the capable hands of its dedicated professionals.”

For the time being AML and Compliance responsibility will be covered by the existing Board Members.

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