CBL Asset Management

About Changes to Transaction Execution Policy

Published on

On February 29, 2024, changes to “CBL Asset Management” IPAS Transaction Execution Policy will enter into force. We have made editorial corrections.  

Please consult the new version of the policy on our website: https://www.cblam.lv/en/portfolio/protection/

As a reminder, if you do not agree with the changes, you can send your complaints to us by February 29 by e-mail: asset@cbl.lv, or in the Online Banking section “Correspondence with Bank”. If we do not receive any complaints by the mentioned date, we will consider that you agree with the amendments to the policy. However, if you do not agree on further cooperation, you have the option to terminate our mutual agreement in accordance with the procedure set out therein.  

If you have any questions, you can reach us by chat in the mobile app, Online Banking, or by e-mail: asset@cbl.lv