Citadele Bank

Romas Čereška and Darius Burdaitis join “Citadele” management team

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On the 4th of May Romas Čereška has joined Citadele management team as Baltic Head of Transaction Services and on the 5th of May Darius Burdaitis joins Citadele as Chief business officer in Lithuania.

"We have ambitious goals in the Baltic States and we aim to bring together a team of experienced managers who have already achieved a lot in their careers. I have no doubt that the experience and knowledge of Romas and Darius will help to better meet the needs of our customers and contribute to the strengthening of Citadele Bank's position in Lithuania and other Baltic countries,” says Vaidotas Gurskas, Head of Citadele Bank's branch in Lithuania.

During his 14 years’ experience in SEB bank R.Čereška was leading various units in retail banking, also was heading Card acquiring sales unit and keeping relationship with biggest Baltic retailers. During the last few years he was Head of Baltic Cards in SEB.

Darius has been working in banking sector for more than 16 years, during which he held various management positions, where he was responsible for relationships with the largest Lithuanian companies and private clients, risk assessment. For the last three years, he has been the Head of the Financing department at SEB Bank, previous as Head of Vilnius region.