Citadele Bank

The Citadele Group opens access to its infrastructure, fulfilling the requirements of the Revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2)

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In accordance with Revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2) requirements, the Citadele Group has opened access to its infrastructure and published its interfaces for special portal developers.

The developer portal is accessible here:

The published developer portal allows access to the API in a test environment (sandbox), allowing developers to familiarise themselves with the API in order to create new account information services and payment initiation services. Opening access to the production environment is planned for June 1st, 2019.

The main goals of the second Payment Service Directive (PSD2) are to ensure secure payments, improve consumer protection, as well as promoting the development of innovations and competition between the traditional players in payments and innovative service providers. The directive will offer the opportunity for people to pay for goods and services faster, more conveniently and more securely, as well as promoting the development of innovations.