Citadele Bank

Changes to the Operations of the Jūrmala and Vienības gatve Branches

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Statistics show that our clients are using the mobile app and online bank more and more often for day-to-day payments and ATMs for withdrawing cash.

The number of client transactions at the Jūrmala branch and Riga’s Vienības gatve Customer service centre have decreased significantly. Therefore, the following operational changes will soon take effect:

  • From the 1st of August this year, only non-cash transactions will be available at these branches. We invite you to use ATMs for depositing and withdrawing cash to/from your account. For the convenience of our clients, a new deposit/withdrawal ATM has been installed on the premises of Maxima at Vienības gatve 113.
  • From the 1st of September this year, we will welcome the clients of the Jūrmala branch and the Vienības gatve Customer service centre to “Spice Home” (Jaunmoku iela 13, Riga). Clients may also use any other Citadele branch convenient to them.

For our clients’ convenience, we have developed our mobile app to become one of the best in Latvia. Here, clients will be able to receive all the main services offered in-branch at any convenient time or place:

  • find out account balance;
  • make payments;
  • manage card security measures - block and unblock payments cards, etc.;
  • contact us.

Meanwhile, through the Citadele online bank, clients can:

  • make payments;
  • contact us;
  • apply for banking services.

Should you have any questions, please call our 24-hour phone line at 67010000.

More information on Citadele branches and working hours available here.

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