Citadele Bank

Information for ID-card users

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Due to a threat assessment, the State Information System Authority (RIA) decided as of 3 November to suspend the certificates of all ID-cards issued after 16 October 2014. Although the ID cards with suspended certificates are valid as identity documents and customer cards until their expiry date, ID-cards with suspended certificates cannot be used to access internet banks or other e-services until their certificates have been renewed.

The certificates of at-risk ID-cards, issued since October 2014, must be renewed remotely in a PC or at the Police and Border Guard Board Service Offices until 31 March 2018.

To update, follow these steps:

  • download the most recent version of ID-software at
  • keep your ID in the card reader and follow the instructions on the screen

View the YouTube tutorial on renewing the ID-card certificates and read instructions.

Need help? Please contact the ID-card helpline on 1777, call (+372) 677 3377 or send a letter at

We advise clients to use a secure Mobile-ID as a personal identification tool, which is not affected by security risks and which you can safely use with Citadele Internet Bank and Mobile Bank.