Dear Clients,
in line with the amendments of the Law on "Deposit and Investment Insurance" of the Republic of Lithuania, as of 2015, deposit insurance no longer covers:
1) deposits of other credit institutions held at one’s own expense and on one’s own behalf;
2) own funds of credit institutions;
3) deposits which are objects of a valid conviction in a criminal case concerning money laundering;
4) deposits of financial institutions;
5) deposits of management companies;
6) deposits of financial brokerage companies;
7) deposits of unidentified owners (deposits held in anonymous and coded accounts);
8) deposits of insurance companies and reinsurance companies operating in accordance with the Law on Insurance of the Republic of Lithuania;
9) deposits of collective investment undertakings;
10) deposits of pension funds;
11) deposits of state and municipal institutions and agencies as defined in the Law on Public Service of the Republic of Lithuania, except funds owned by third parties and held in deposit accounts of such institutions and agencies;
12) deposits of the Bank of Lithuania;
13) debt securities issued by participants of the deposit insurance system and liabilities related to their acceptances and promissory notes;
14) electronic money and funds received by electronic money institutions from electronic money holders in exchange for electronic money.
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Citadele Bank