Announcements for clients


On changes to the Terms and Conditions of 3rd pension pillar plans “CBL Sabalansētais”, “CBL Aktīvais”, “CBL Aktīvais USD” and “CBL Indeksu” from November 22nd, 2024

We would like to inform you that Pension Fund has developed amendments to the 3rd level pension plans "CBL Sabalansētais", "CBL Aktīvais", "CBL Aktīvais USD" and "CBL Indeksu" (hereinafter all collectively referred to “Pension Plans”). In compliance with the requirements of regulatory acts, the amendments have been reconciled with the Bank of Latvia and they will enter into force on November 22nd, 2024.

Amendments to the Terms and Conditions of Pension plans will provide for the right of the Pension Fund to apply a minimum administration fee of EUR/USD 5 in accordance with the price list to members of Pension Plans whose membership contract/s individual account balance for more than 12 consecutive months will be 30 EUR/USD (thirty euros/United States dollars, 00 cents) or less, and the last contribution to the Individual account of the Pension Plan based on the participation agreement was made more than 60 months ago. If the balance of the Individual account is 0 EUR/USD, the commission will not be withheld.

The new Terms and Conditions will come into force on November 22nd, 2024. You can read the full Terms and Conditions here: More information about what is mentioned in this notice can be obtained by calling the phone number +371 67010146 or writing to the e-mail address

The Pension Fund reminds that, in addition to 1st pillar pension and 2nd pillar pension, additional 3rd pillar pension will help ensure your projected future pension up to 70% of your current income. In order to ensure the regularity of contributions in your 3rd pillar pension Individual Participation Agreement account and take care of your retirement accordingly, we invite you to make a regular payment in your Citadele banka online bank, where you can freely choose the amount of contributions and change them at any time.



On amendments to the investment policies of “CBL Aktīvais“, “CBL Aktīvais USD“ and “CBL Sabalansētais“ pension plans

Please be informed that as of 12 February 2024, amendments to the Investment Policies of the pension plans “CBL Aktīvais“, “CBL Aktīvais USD“ and “CBL Sabalansētais“ (hereinafter referred to as Pension Plans) will come into effect. The asset allocation of the pension plan “CBL Sabalansētais” has been changed, i.e. the pension plan's investments in shares, venture capital market, real estate, alternative investment funds and investment fund certificates will be increased to 25% instead of the previous 20% in line with the industry-wide limit for the group of balanced pension plans. After the changes, “CBL Sabalansētais” pension plan will maintain a balanced investment strategy and the changes will not affect the level of investment risk of the pension plan members

The Investment Policies of the Pension Plans have been supplemented with a more detailed description of how the asset manager of the Pension Plan integrates sustainability characteristics into the Pension Plan management process and ensures disclosure of this information. The description of the most important risks has been clarified by adding an additional risk (credit risk), as well as clarifications of terminology and other editorial corrections.

The Investment Policies of the Pension Plans are available at For more information on the amendments, please call the information line at 67010147 or email



On changes to the Terms and Conditions of 3rd pension pillar plans from July 25th

As we review and update our range of services, we also update their terms and conditions. We would therefore like to inform you that, after consulting with the Financial and Capital Market Commission, we have made changes to the Terms and Conditions of the following pension plans: CBL Sabalansētais, CBL Aktīvais, and CBL Aktīvais USD.

The most significant changes

  • We have improved our service so that we can be contacted through the Citadele online bank;
  • We have clarified what participants should do if the employer who is making payments into their plan becomes insolvent and begins the bankruptcy process;
  • To look after customers’ savings, we will continue investing the capital held in the pension plans of deceased customers until this capital has been disbursed in full;
  • For customers’ convenience and security, payments into a pension plan can only be transferred from a Citadele account or other financial service provider.

The new Terms and Conditions will come into force on July 25th, 2022. You can read the full Terms and Conditions here:

Reminder: to ensure steady payments into your 3rd pension pillar, set up a regular payment through the online bank for the most convenience.