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Pension fund CBL Atklātais pensiju fonds

CBL Open Pension Fund offers making 3rd pillar private pension savings additionally to the government guaranteed pensions (1st and 2nd pillar). You are welcome to make pension savings individually or through your employer. Citadele Bank is the pension fund's custodian.

Management Board

CBL Atklātais pensiju fonds reports for 2023

  • Annual report

    Published on • In Latvian

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Announcements for clients

On changes to the Terms and Conditions of 3rd pension pillar plans “CBL Sabalansētais”, “CBL Aktīvais”, “CBL Aktīvais USD” and “CBL Indeksu” from November 22th, 2024

We would like to inform you that Pension Fund has developed amendments to the 3rd level pension plans "CBL Balanced", "CBL Aktīvais", "CBL Aktīvais USD" and "CBL Indeksu" (hereinafter all collectively referred to “Pension Plans”). In compliance with the requirements of regulatory acts, the amendments have been reconciled with the Bank of Latvia and they will enter into force on November 22th, 2024.

Amendments to the rules of Pension plans will provide for the right of the Pension Fund to apply a minimum administration fee of EUR/USD 5 in accordance with the price list to members of Pension Plans whose membership contract/s individual account balance for more than 12 consecutive months will be 30 EUR/USD (thirty euros/United States dollars, 00 cents) or less, and the last contribution to the Individual account of the Pension Plan based on the participation agreement was made more than 60 months ago. If the balance of the Individual account is 0 EUR/USD, the commission will not be withheld.

The new Terms and Conditions will come into force on November 22th, 2024. You can read the full Terms and Conditions here: More information about what is mentioned in this notice can be obtained by calling the phone number +371 67010146 or writing to the e-mail address

The Pension Fund reminds that, in addition to  pension levels 1 and 2, additional pension in level 3 will help ensure your projected future pension up to 70% of your current income. In order to ensure the regularity of contributions in your pension level 3 Individual Participation Agreement account and take care of your retirement accordingly, we invite you to make a regular payment in your Citadele banka online bank, where you can freely choose the amount of contributions and change them at any time.

Riga, 03.06.2024

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Suggestions and complaints

The procedure for considering suggestions and complaints

You have the right to contact JSC "CBL Atklatais pensiju fonds" with a suggestion or complain regarding pension plans or the services provided by JSC "CBL Atklatais pensiju fonds", customer service, etc.

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Privacy protection rules

Information on Prevention of Conflicts of Interest

CBL Atklātais pensiju fonds is a company of the Citadele group. Companies of the Citadele group provide a wide range of financial services, for this reason in some cases a customer’s interests may conflict with those of another customer or the company itself. We adhere to the internal policies and procedures of the Citadele group to ensure proper management of any such circumstances during business operations.

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Remuneration policy

JSC "CBL Atklatais pensiju fonds" (hereinafter – the Pension fund) and AS Citadele banka are part of the Citadele Group (hereinafter – the Group) where AS Citadele banka is the Group’s parent company. The Pension fund complies with the remuneration policy approved by the Group.

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Our Mission

Develop the pension fund as a simple and reliable business:

  • providing easy to understand pension plans which are adequate to customer needs;
  • creating such a culture of corporate governance, which demonstrates to shareholders, customers and the public the professionalism and integrity of the company’s employees in any of their activities.

Our Vision

Become one of the TOP 3 pension funds in the Latvian market in terms of number of customers and amount of assets, providing increased value for shareholders.


Phone: +371 6 701 0147


Republikas laukums 2a, Rīga, LV-1010